How Metal
Madness Works
Metal Madness players shoot rimfire ammo one lane at a time, each lane with shoot plates in a specific order. Shoot plate orders are randomized before each match. With more than 60,000 different combinations, it’s impossible to completely master the game.
Scoring is time based, plus penalties for missed plates or shooting plates out of sequence. With misses costing 2 seconds each, hitting plates in the proper order is extremely important. The eight fastest times from ten lanes fired are added together for each shooter’s bracket time. To put up a top score in Metal Madness, you must have seriously good speed and accuracy skills.
Scoring is time based, plus penalties for missed plates or shooting plates out of sequence. With misses costing 2 seconds each, hitting plates in the proper order is extremely important. The eight fastest times from ten lanes fired are added together for each shooter’s bracket time. To put up a top score in Metal Madness, you must have seriously good speed and accuracy skills.

How MM Works
Metal Madness Teaches:
Sight alignment
Once a sight picture is acquired, we teach the competitor to keep the sight aligned while moving the firearm.
Trigger Control
Keeping the finger in contact with the trigger is important to a smooth movement and target transition.
Hand-Eye Coordination
Hand-eye coordination is a byproduct of proper practice of Metal Madness, due to the nature of the sport!
We have data proving that Metal Madness training improves a person’s ability to shoot other shooting sports!
How Scoring Works
The scoring is based on ten (10) lanes with five (5) targets each for a total of fifty (50) targets. Each target must be hit at least once to be scorable. The shooter’s eight (8) fastest times out of the ten (10) lanes shot are added together for a bracket time.

Shooting Targets
Targets are 12” x 12” steel and numbered 1 – 4 with an additional 12”round stop target for a total of five (5) targets. All targets must be shot in numerical order followed by the round stop target. The timer will not stop until the round stop target is hit.
Target Order
If the shooter shoots any target out of numerical order, the lane of fire is considered a scratch with a thirty (30) second penalty assessed. However, if the shooter shoots a target out of numerical order but is able to go back to the correct sequence, shooting all targets in the correct order before the round stop target is hit, the time will stand.
Misses + Running Dry
Each missed target is assessed a two (2) second penalty which is added to the total lane time. Lane time will not stop until the round stop target is hit. Each lane must have a minimum of five (5) rounds fired to count as an attempt, or a no- attempt will be assessed and the lane of fire will be a scratch with a thirty (30) second penalty added.
If the shooter fires all the ammunition in his/her firearm and has not hit all targets in his/her lane, the shooter may reload and continue firing until the stop target is hit. If the shooter is unable to reload, the lane will be counted as a scratch with a thirty (30) second penalty assessed to the lane time.
If the shooter fires all the ammunition in his/her firearm and has not hit all targets in his/her lane, the shooter may reload and continue firing until the stop target is hit. If the shooter is unable to reload, the lane will be counted as a scratch with a thirty (30) second penalty assessed to the lane time.

Metal Madness:
How It Works
Metal Madness is a shooting sport designed for beginners and seasoned players. Metal Madness Steel Shooting is Safe, Fun and Family Friendly.
Updated 1/1/21
Open Rifle
Metal Master
0 – 14.00
High Master
14.01 – 19.00
19.01 – 22.00
22.01 – 28.00
28.01 – 40.00
40.01 – Above
Stock Rifle
Metal Master
0 – 15.00
High Master
15.01 – 20.00
20.01 – 23.00
23.01 – 29.00
29.01 – 41.00
41.01 – Above
Open Pistol
Metal Master
0 – 17.00
High Master
17.01 – 22.00
22.01 – 25.00
25.01 – 31.00
31.01 – 43.00
43.01 – Above
Stock Pistol
Metal Master
0 – 18.00
High Master
18.01 – 23.00
23.01 – 26.00
26.01 – 32.00
32.01 – 44.00
44.01 – Above
Open Revolver
Metal Master
0 – 22.00
High Master
22.01 – 27.00
27.01 – 30.00
30.01 – 36.00
36.01 – 48.00
48.01 – Above
Stock Revolver
Metal Master
0 – 23.00
High Master
23.01 – 28.00
28.01 – 31.00
31.01 – 37.00
37.01 – 49.00
49.01 – Above